
Tests Linter Mutant Typer Checker Gem Version

A Ruby interface to the OpenAI API


For updates and announcements, follow @sferik on X.


Install the gem and add to the application’s Gemfile:

bundle add openai

Or, if Bundler is not being used to manage dependencies:

gem install openai


First, obtain an API key from

require "openai"

# Initialize an OpenAI API client with your API secret key
openai_client = "sk-thats1smallStep4man1giantLeap4mankind")

# Retrieve a model instance
# {"id"=>"gpt-4", "object"=>"model", "created"=>1687882411, "owned_by"=>"openai"}



By contributing to the project, you help:

  1. Maintain the library: Keeping it up-to-date and secure.
  2. Add new features: Enhancements that make your life easier.
  3. Provide support: Faster responses to issues and feature requests.

⭐️ Bonus: Sponsors will get priority support and influence over the project roadmap. We will also list your name or your company’s logo on our GitHub page.

Building and maintaining an open-source project like this takes a considerable amount of time and effort. Your sponsorship can help sustain this project. Even a small monthly donation makes a huge difference!

Click here to sponsor this project.


  1. Checkout and repo:

    git checkout
  2. Enter the repo’s directory:

    cd openai-ruby
  3. Install dependencies via Bundler:

  4. Run the default Rake task to ensure all tests pass:

    bundle exec rake
  5. Create a new branch for your feature or bug fix:

    git checkout -b my-new-branch


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at

Pull requests will only be accepted if they meet all the following criteria:

  1. Code must conform to Standard Ruby. This can be verified with:

    bundle exec rake standard
  2. Code must conform to the RuboCop rules. This can be verified with:

    bundle exec rake rubocop
  3. 100% C0 code coverage. This can be verified with:

    bundle exec rake test
  4. 100% mutation coverage. This can be verified with:

    bundle exec rake mutant
  5. RBS type signatures (in sig/openai.rbs). This can be verified with:

    bundle exec rake steep


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.